Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Cat quilts!

I've been trying to get out.

There are so many simple things I often say "no" too, just because they aren't in my usual frame of reference. When my friend K.C. sent around an email mentioning she had a quilt in the quilt show north of Ithaca, it occurred to me I should say "yes." After all, just because I have zero patience to craft something as beautiful as a quilt, doesn't mean a whole room of them wouldn't be fascinating. It's something I'd never done before.


There really isn't any way to describe the range of styles, and the obvious art and effort that went into the show. We found K.C.'s very first quilt...and it won a category! Standing in front of a quilt, paying attention to all the individual steps that went into it to built it, draw it together, and finish's mind-boggling. For those of us with the attention span of a fruit fly, it seems like a quiet, beautiful magical power.

What I hadn't expected quilts! Dog quilts! Horse quilts! I only took a few photos. You'll have to go to a quilt show on your own to discover for yourself.

Afterward four of us went out for dinner and a drink at the Dryden Hotel. It was a chilly, damp day made warm by something new (quilts!) and something old (friendship).

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