Saturday, February 28, 2015

More abandonment

I got a call from my neighbors across the gorge, who had adopted my barn cat Bullet (now Bandit) when he decided he liked their porch better than my barn. They saw a tiger tuxedo cat the other night. I told them I'd been seeing big tracks in my barn and put out a heated water bowl and food, and that I would set some traps.

Clearly whoever is out there knows what a door is. This greeted me when I got off the phone with her and went to do my morning chores:

Someone also posted on a Facebook page I watch, "Spencer Swap and Save" that someone had dumped a cat at her place a couple of miles from me. She posted a cute photo of a frosty little tuxedo youngster, and she said "If you abandoned this cat, you are a dick. If you lost him, he is here safe and warm" or something similar. Interestingly there were a few posts saying that cats and dogs are fine outdoors--that they "know how to find ways to stay warm"...which really surprised me in this day and age. That particular page (unlike others I've seen) is pretty polite, so even the people who called the original poster "harsh" for suggesting the cat was abandoned were doing so in a fairly polite way. Normally I keep my mouth closed on sites like that (although I've been known to rant on Craigslist) but I did speak up at that point about the many reports of cats frozen to the ice that are appearing on animal welfare Facebook pages. Then I thanked the page for being a great local resource (which it is) since I had taken it off-topic.

Here is the nearby abandoned cat if anyone local has lost him. He is not here, although I did offer to take him if the SPCAs are full.

The temps are supposed to rise a bit so I'll be setting traps this weekend for my visitor.

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