Saturday, November 16, 2013

Fixing the upstairs for a cat caretaker/housemate

The time has come to bring another person into the fold. I have been fixing the upstairs, which was formerly set up for cat fostering, as a bedroom/office/living room and semi-kitchen, and it's actually more space than I have downstairs. So I have been ripping out carpet, painting, and finding affordable but nice furniture on Craigslist. Which of course the cats would like to claim.

I'm not sure if I'm ready to share the house with another person, but it really is necessary for the safety of the house, and the well-being of the cats. So you will soon be treated to the transformation of a portion of The Owl House from a cat place to a people place.

Two cats, or one cat/dog friendly dog, are also welcome. Who knows--maybe I can find someone who will blog!

To my previous cat-boarders, I still have a room downstairs where cats can be boarded, so no fears.

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