Thursday, August 29, 2013

Catamazing toy

I picked up a toy that intrigued me while I was at a conference last spring for $14, and only just now put it together. It's called "Catamazing" from I was skeptical that it would be heavy enough to stay put while the cats played with it, but it seems to be doing a good job!

I only had it on the floor for five minutes before Rose came over and without even a stare or a sniff, showed me that she was smarter than the average toy. I'll use this as my cat toy box and we'll see how long it lasts. She sure has been having a good time!

I hate that if I post one video it progresses to others on my channel. Does anyone know how to make that stop? I'm thinking of switching to Vimeo if I can't figure this out.

(I have not been asked to blog on this toy and I purchased it on my own initiative).


  1. When you get the imbed code from youtube, below it there are several options with check boxes that you can unclick, so that other videos do not follow and are not shown in thumbnail.

  2. Thank you! I found the checkbox about sharing the entire playlist (which is autochecked) after clicking embed. You have saved me MUCH frustration!
