She loves hotel rooms. I can take her on my next trip as well, but the hotel fee is a pricey $75 to bring her along, and that comes out of my pocket because it's not technically work related. I'll see how my taxes come out and what the IRS will be taking out of my hide.
In the further adventures of feral cat trapping, I caught three cats a week ago--two females and a male. I planned to return any males I caught on my way to Virginia, and have my house-sitters care for the females as they recovered from their spay surgeries. But one cat decided to pop out kittens in the trap at the SPCA of Tompkins County. She gave birth to five. Two were very small..too small..and they did not make it. The other three are doing really well, but I was worried the entire time I was gone that a kitten would pass over and the caretakers I hire when I travel would have to deal with it. A big thanks goes to Lori, a friend and vet tech, who was "on deck" in case something awful happened. Luckily by the time I got back the kittens had doubled in size and mom seems fairly relaxed.
I'll post a better photo of the kittens and the "nursing feral mom set-up" tomorrow, but here's the picture on Day One:

More to come these next few days, while I take advantage of home time.
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